Friday, May 14, 2010

Project Update

After seeing the amount of paper and water I waste, I have decided to turn my goal to reduce this waste into a project so that it keeps me motivated. So far I have made it a habit to take down notes of how many pieces of paper I use daily. I also take into account the number of paper towels I use every time I go to the bathroom and tissue papers I use from here and there. At the end of every week, I add them up which enables me to see my weekly progress. As I previously mentioned in my ''Ecological Footprint'' post, one of my objectives was to limit the duration of my showers to upto 20 minutes. For the past three weeks, I have been able to do so for the most part. I don't usually waste drinking water. I'm glad to say that I'm very economical about that. Comparatively, my paper usage has been greatly improved. Before I took on this project, my weekly paper waste was about 70.3 sq feet. As of now, it has come down to about 64 sq feet. I am proud of myself for changing my old habits to an extent but I know that I have a long way to go. I see this as the first step towards steering my lifestyle to a sustainable path.

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